Auskicker’s – minimum 2 laps: 1000m (1km)
JUNIOR’s – minimum 3 laps: 1500m (1.5km)
Youth – minimum 4 laps: 2000m (2km)
Coaches – at least 2 laps with their teams
Seniors – Min 4 laps with teams, offspring, partners and siblings…
Parents and siblings were welcome to join in too!
We completed this by running around the perimeter of the oval.
To reach this target, our aim was for the players to run the following targets:
To reach this target, our aim was for the players to run the following targets:
During the 2023 season, we collectively ran the distance from the Magpie Nest to Yamba NSW. This is approximately 250km. ¼ of a million meters!!!!
Some of our kids exceeded this!
We raised over $4000 which has gone into new resources, maintenance and towards the cost of rebranding for the 2021 season.
Big thanks goes to Zoe Warburton, Bronte and Mackenzie Donoghue for raising over $500, and to Set White in Superstars who raised over $300!